Thursday, September 25, 2008

¡Hay que estudiar!

Los estudiantes del 80 tienen un examen esta semana. We're almost done with our review of last year's materials so this is our last test before we begin our unidad on Oaxaca, México. Make sure you use your study guide para estudiar. No se olviden-¡el examen es el miércoles!

Friday, September 19, 2008

¡Viva México!

El martes Mexico celebrated el día de la independencia. On Independence Day, Mexico celebrates its freedom from Spanish rule. The Spanish arrived in 1521 and conquered the powerful Aztecs who ruled a large part of what is now Mexico, but was called Nueva España. The Spanish ruled Nueva España for a few centuries until 1808 when Napoleon invaded Spain and made his brother the king. The people living in Mexico took this opportunity to begin working for their independence from Spain. The plan was discovered so the people had to work quickly. On the morning of September 16, 1810 a priest named Father Hidalgo rang the bell of his church to call the people to fight for their independence. This action began the ten year war for independence.

Click on the links below to learn more about Mexican Independence Day.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Las calificaciones

¿Solamente tres semanas? It's hard to believe that we've only been in school for three weeks-everybody seems to have the school routine down already. Progress reports will be going home soon, but you don't have to wait for progress reports to check grades. Log into Parent Connect to check your grades and make sure you don't have any missing assignments!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Gold Rush

Much like the price of gasoline, the price of gold is going up. The demand for gold is affecting Guatemala in several ways. The corporation Goldcorp runs the mining industry in Guatemala and is making huge profits there. A number of groups and individuals in Guatemala complain that the presence of this company is hurting the country. Goldcorp argues that it is creating jobs for people in Guatemala and is using part of its profit to improve health facilities and education. Those against the mines say that Goldcorp has caused tensions between towns and even family members. Many Guatemalans say that Goldcorp doesn't understand the history of Guatemala. The people have been exploited for years through wars and many indigenous people, the Mayans, have been murdered for land.
Read this article about the gold mine. ¿Qué piensas? Do you think that Goldcorp is helping Guatemalans by mining in Guatemala and providing jobs or do you think that the Guatemalans should have their land back from this large corporation that doesn't understand their history?